The idea of 'Widening Participation' in this context, is about encouraging people to apply for medicine who may not have even considered it a possibility. This means reaching out to those under-represented within Medicine and letting them know that it is a possibility, whether this be someone from a lower income household, or who is a young carer.
WP is something that Lancaster Medical School is extremely passionate about and naturally, so are we as a society. On the MedSoc Exec, our Widening Participation Officer, Salma Mahmoud, works tireless to promote not only our Medical School, but also Medicine as a career to everyone who may be interested.
We've asked Salma to write a few hints and tips about applying to Medicine to make it all seem a bit less daunting and completely achievable. Just simply click the pencil icons below for more information on personal statements, work experience and much more!
Applying to medical school is a long and daunting process which can leave many of you stunned (and a bit confused!). The most important part of applying to medical school is organisation and planning. Our website is here to help you with all things medical school and provide some first-hand advice. All the advice is given by medical students from different medical schools across the North West, and our aim is to be as honest as possible.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the process and remember that we were all once in your shoes. Feel free to get in touch if you’re stuck, or need someone to chat to!
Salma – WP Officer